Sunday, August 4 – 5:00pm
In August, instead of a cookbook we used Brian Lagerstrom’s recipe blog https://www.brianlagerstrom.com/. Lagerstrom was a restaurant chef, until the world locked down due to COVID in 2020. Then he started making YouTube videos and posting his recipes.
(more…)Sunday, June 9 – 4:00pm
Our June cookbook was Mooncakes and Milk Bread by Kristina Cho. The recipes teach you how to re-create Chinese bakery delicacies at home. Trips to Chinese bakeries were a part of my childhood, so I was excited to learn how to make some of these treats at home. We had a nice mix of savory and sweet, plus some drinks, and no mooncakes to my relief (I know some of my ancestors might be rolling over in their graves, but mooncakes have never done it for me).
(more…)Sunday, May 19 – 5:00pm
Nick and I just got married! Barbara was so lovely and hosted a Cookbook Club to celebrate our nuptials. So what more appropriate cookbook than Celebrate! by Sheila Lukins. The cookbook divides its 350 recipes into menus for 43 different celebrations. With a full bar and tons of food, I was so busy celebrating I didn’t even remember to take a picture of the party!
(more…)Sunday, April 7 – 1:00pm
Our April cookbook was Sababa: Fresh, Sunny Flavors From My Israeli Kitchen by Adeena Susan. She says sababa means “everything is awesome” in Hebrew, and that’s how she approaches cooking in her Tel Aviv kitchen.
(more…)Saturday, March 16 – 4:00pm
Another year, another Pi(e) Day! Since March 14 fell on a Thursday, we celebrated on the following Saturday. This year we were 20 pies strong, and of course you can’t have pies without vanilla ice cream. Plus some bonus muffins, cookies, fruit trays, and plenty of wine flowing. Karen hosted us in her gorgeous home, and Anthony even had a game for us to play – prize included! I was careful to take only one bite of each pie, and was still stuffed to the brim by the end… another successful celebration of my favorite holiday 🙂 (more…)
Sunday, February 4 – 5:00pm
Our cookbook for February was Joshua Weissman’s Texture Over Taste. Weissman proposes that texture is what makes the eating experience. He divides his recipes into 6 texture chapters – Crunchy, Chewy, Aerated, Creamy, Fluid, and Fatty.
(more…)Sunday, January 14 – 5:00pm
For our first Cookbook Club event of 2024, we cooked from any of the cookbooks in The Silver Palate series by Sheila Lukins and Julie Rosso – The Silver Palate Cookbook, The Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook, and The New Basics. Published in the ’80’s, these cookbooks are billed as beloved American classics.
(more…)Saturday, December 2 – 5:30pm
Another successful year of Cookbook Club! Life was a little crazy this year so I wasn’t able to join as many events as I would have liked, but I’m happy to report that Cookbook Club continued to thrive. For our culminating event of 2023, people could choose a recipe from any of the cookbooks we used in the past year. Always a fun way to recap the year, and for me it was a great way to get a taste of some of the cookbooks I missed out on.
(more…)Sunday, October 20 – 12:30pm
It’s been a busy last several months in which I wasn’t able to attend any of our Cookbook Club events, so I’m extra happy to be writing about our October event. It was such fun catching up with some old friends and meeting a bunch of new ones who have joined Cookbook Club since the last time I was able to attend! The cookbook was Tasting History by Max Miller. Originating as a YouTube channel and now in cookbook form, it provides historical recipes from around the world.
(more…)Saturday, May 6 – 6:00pm
We did this dinner on May 6th, so while not technically Cinco de Mayo, it was a great excuse to eat Mexican food and drink margaritas! We used three sources for recipes – Joy of Cooking (2019 Edition), https://www.americastestkitchen.com, and Chef John’s Food Wishes on allrecipes.com.