Saturday, November 10 – 5:00pm
We decided to reprise our Thanksgiving celebration of two years ago – foregoing the assigned cookbook and instead asking everyone to bring a favorite Thanksgiving dish or one they’ve been wanting to try. Having a Friendsgiving party is a fun way to kick off the holidays (or what I like to think of as the biggest eating time of year) before lots of people depart to celebrate with family. It was also a great time to take a moment to appreciate just how much joy Cookbook Club has brought to my life – I’m so thankful for all of the good eats and great friends I’ve made because of it.
We had a turkey, 18 sides, 8 desserts, and a specialty cocktail… you can imagine how stuffed we were! Alyssa was an amazing host – she roasted the turkey, had adorable themed plates and napkins, and provided awesome Thanksgiving to-go boxes which we all filled with the abundant leftovers from our meal. Check out the incredible feast…
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