Saturday, November 12 – 6:00pm
Thanksgiving is one of the biggest food holidays of the year. A perfect reason for a bunch of food lovers in a cookbook club to celebrate! So we took this opportunity to make our party a testing ground for the dishes people wanted to try for their Thanksgiving celebrations. No assigned cookbook – just any recipe people wanted to test out for their holiday feasts. Of course there was turkey, sides, dessert (you might have mistaken it for modern art, but that’s a dessert plate!), and much more!
We had a great group – a nice mix of old friends and newbies. Talk about things to be thankful for! This event was awesome because of the contributions of so many wonderful people. Shayna hosted in her beautiful home. The turkey was actually a true group effort. Sheana bought it… and then dumped it on me… I mean gave me the opportunity to add to my culinary repertoire haha 😉 Anthony sacrficed part of his birthday weekend to help me cook the abandoned bird. And thank goodness for Alyssa’s professional turkey carving skills! This pre-Thanksgiving dinner got me totally excited for the holiday season…
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